The Documents Challenge challenges schools and organizations to choose a document that students or participants can study in advance then read or recite at the appropriate monument.
Our videos are meant to inspire others to follow what we have done or to create new paths.
It’s a challenge not a competition.
Whether it’s a group of third graders reciting in unison the closing paragraph of Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address or a church group of young and old reading the entire "I Have a Dream" speech, we hope to one day see at every monument the words that made America great come to life through those who visit.
As great Americans inspired these monuments and mobilized their words to ask more of all of us, let the visitors to these monuments ask more of themselves, memorizing, in full or in part, these documents…these documents that continue to inspire American to greatness.
Our videos are meant to inspire others to follow what we have done or to create new paths.
It’s a challenge not a competition.
Whether it’s a group of third graders reciting in unison the closing paragraph of Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address or a church group of young and old reading the entire "I Have a Dream" speech, we hope to one day see at every monument the words that made America great come to life through those who visit.
As great Americans inspired these monuments and mobilized their words to ask more of all of us, let the visitors to these monuments ask more of themselves, memorizing, in full or in part, these documents…these documents that continue to inspire American to greatness.